Charles Feeney: The Epitome of Philanthropy
By Mohammad Ibrar
Cornell University and Technion Israel Institute of Technology have both been selected to build and run a new campus on Roosevelt IslandThe newly proposed Technion-Cornell Institute of Innovation received a large donation from an anonymous billionaire, but he recently....READ MORE
Lessons on Finland by Finnish Scholar Given at Teachers College
Competition And Choice Should Not Be Drivers Of Reform
By Jennifer MacGregor
Pasi Sahlberg started his talk on his recently published “Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland?” by saying that his book is a story about change: how Finland has been building a system of education that has repeatedly ranked the best in the world....READ MORE
High School Prepares Students for Careers in TV and Film
By Jennifer MacGregor
Minutes away from Silvercup Studios in Long Island City, Queens, is a new high school that will graduate its first class this May....READ MORE
Teen Design Fair
By Yuridia Peña
Hundreds of boisterous teenagers filled Manhattan’s iconic Altman Building at the 6th Annual NYC Design Fair recently, to learn about breaking into design’s makeshift industry....READ MORE
Time To Know
By Dr. Yosi Ben-Dov
January is typically the time to reflect on the previous year and make resolutions for the New Year. While many of us may aim to eat better and exercise more often, as educators we should also take this opportunity to review our professional goals....READ MORE
Exchange Program Helps Teens Learn From Each Other
By Sybil Maimin
Over 5,000 students, teachers, and host families from over 60 cities have participated in The Youth Ambassador Student Exchange, with annual visits that are repeatedly described as “life-changing."...READ MORE
The Artful Teacher: A Series Of Teaching Tips
As educators are forced more and more to compete with all kinds of media for their students’ attention, it might be worthwhile for them to consider what media developers do to make things like video games so addictive....READ MORE
CEI-PEA Award Dinner Honors Tisch and Klein
Joel Klein, former chancellor of the New York City schools, and Ann Tisch, the founder and president of the Young Women’s Leadership Network, were honored recently by the Center for Educational Innovation – Public Education Association dinner for 21st-century education....READ MORE
The Aspen Institute Holds 28th Award Dinner
The institute’s 28th annual awards dinner took place at the Plaza Hotel recently, which honored former U.S. Secretary of State Madeline Albright with the Henry Crown Leadership Award....READ MORE
Chess at the Cloisters
Students from 54 New York City high schools recently competed in an all-day chess tournament at The Cloisters Museum and Gardens, the branch of The Metropolitan Museum of Art for medieval art and architecture, located in Fort Tryon Park in northern Manhattan....READ MORE
Marymount School Celebrates Distinguished Athletic Director
By David Beltran
Monika Anderson, an athletic teacher and director at Marymount School New York City, recently retired after twenty-five years at the school....READ MORE
Parents, Council Members Debate Best Middle School for Upper East Side
By Yuridia Peña
Upper East Side parents came in droves to a Community Education Council District 2 (CECD2) meeting on Jan. 25 to advocate for one of two resolutions that would decide what type of middle school will open when space at P.S. 158 becomes available: a school for general education students or for the gifted....READ MORE
NYC Principal Wins Award
On November 4 BELL Academy Principal Cheryl Quatrano-Hatzidimitriou received the NAGC/Ball State University Administrator's Award from John E. Jacobson, Ball State Dean....READ MORE
 American Educator's Gift to Israeli High School
By Vicki Cobb
Dr. Charlotte K. Frank, Chair of the Executive Committee of the America-Israel Friendship League unveils the Frank Aerospace Center at an Israeli high school. Education Update Senior Reporter Vicki Cobb is on location for the dedication in Arad, Israel....WATCH VIDEO
US Educators Learn Lessons on Location in Israel
By Vicki Cobb
Recently, a delegation of seven U.S. school superintendents visited Israel. It was an intense look at the geography, history, religious importance, struggle for survival, education systems and contemporary life of this tiny nation—approximately the size of New Jersey and home to about 8 million people....READ MORE
CUNY’s Master Plan
By Chancellor Matthew Goldstein
Universities are organic entities — they evolve and change, shedding and acquiring over time as they determine how best to advance students’ learning and enhance their own capacity to prepare a skilled citizenry....READ MORE
Letter to the Editor - Jan/Feb 2012
By Dr. Alfred Posamentier
Believe it or not, there are people who fear the number 13. This is called Triskaidekaphobia (from Greek tris meaning "3" kai meaning "and", deka meaning "10" and phobia meaning "fear"....READ MORE
Outstanding Faculty at Hunter College
Dr. Pamela S. Falk, Dr. Gary Krasilovsky & Professor Dara Meyers-Kingsley....READ MORE
Bank Street College of Education Honors Dean Fern Khan
Dean Fern J. Khan, former Governor of New York David Paterson, filmmaker Spike Leeand his wife, Tonya Lewis Lee and Michelle Paige Patterson received the Leadership in Diversity award at a recent event held by Bank Street’s Priscilla E. Pemberton Society....READ MORE
Deans Speak About Education in 2012
Dean Mary Brabeck of the NYU Steinhardt School of Education and Dean Alfred Posamentier of Mercy College discuss education in 2012....READ MORE
The Tragedy at Penn State
By Arthur Katz, Esq.
Some time has passed since the crisis at Penn State, which resulted in the summary termination of the University’s President, Graham Spanier, and its revered football coach, Joe Paterno, and the criminal indictment of several Penn State employees based upon evidence that they had lied under oath....READ MORE
Trends at Community Colleges Analyzed at Teachers College Panel
By Jennifer MacGregor
Tom Jones, the provost and dean of Teachers College, introduced Tom Bailey, the director of the Community College Research Center (CCRC) and professor of economics and education at Teachers College....READ MORE
Celestial Ball Raises Money for College of Staten Island Students
College of Staten Island students were the beneficiaries of the Third Annual CSI Celestial Ball, which succeeded in raising more than $500,000 for student scholarships and support....READ MORE
Tips For Dealing With Student Loans
By Curtis Henderson
Student loans are tricky, generally because they are issued to young consumers who are not yet very well versed in the areas of consumer credit or even personal finance....READ MORE
Exclusive Interview with Professor Kenneth Wong
(Part 1 of 2)
By Gillian Granoff
Kenneth Wong, Director of the Urban Education Policy program at Brown University, recently discussed with Education Update the impact of the No Child Left Behind on school policy, the value of state academic standards and tests, and their role in measuring aptitude and setting high expectations for student performance, and the function the federal government and politicians should play in helping to affect school policy....READ MORE
Dr. Maria Mitchell: Profile in Medicine
Interviewed by Dr. Pola Rosen and Elise Grace, Transcribed by David Beltran, Edited by Mohammad Ibrar
Dr. Maria Mitchell is no stranger to innovation, government work, medicine and collaboration. As an adviser to Mayor Giuliani on health issues, Chair of the Board of the Health and Hospitals Corporation, and founder of the New York City....READ INTERVIEW
 Dr. Jacob Appel, Bioethicist
By Sybil Maimin
Jacob Appel is a busy man: A bioethicist, fiction writer, advocate and teacher, he has amassed numerous degrees, awards and accolades. His academic achievements include a B.A. and M.A. from Brown, an M.A. and M.Phil from Columbia, an M.D. from Columbia’s College of Physicians....WATCH VIDEO & READ ARTICLE
Mary Badham: Looking Back with “Scout”
By Lisa K. Winkler
Nearly 50 years after appearing as “Scout” in the 1962 film To Kill A Mockingbird, Mary Badham continues to bring the movie’s messages about equality, compassion and tolerance around the world...READ MORE
Find Your Voice Benefit: Twenty-Five Years of Emotional Literacy
By Rachel Barber
Find Your Voice (FYV) hosted a benefit recently at Lincoln Center’s intimate Clark Studio Theater to raise money for their emotional literacy training programs for students....READ MORE
Jazz Legends Celebrate 30 years at Lincoln Center
By Lydia Liebman
On Tuesday, January 10, The National Endowment for the Arts Jazz Masters celebrated its 30th year at Lincoln Center....READ MORE
Art Rocks the School in Maryland
By Lisa K. Winkler
Madeline Taylor looked at the group of students preparing to pirouette across the gym floor....READ MORE
Child Mind Institute Raises $5.3 Million for Children
By Harold Koplewicz, M.D.
Recently, we shared an extraordinary evening with several hundred friends and supporters who came together to raise $5.3 million to keep building the Child Mind Institute....READ MORE
P.S. 32 and the ASD Nest Program
By Christina Steel
Nestled throughout the boroughs of New York City are a handful of schools with inclusion programs that attempt to educate students labeled learning disabled and those considered neurotypical together in classrooms with two educators....READ MORE
NY Disabilities Film Festival Comes to Town
Compiled by Mohammad Ibrar
The 4th Annual ReelAbilities: N.Y. Disabilities Film festival will be coming to New York from February 9th through February 14th, 2012....READ MORE
Guild Awards College Scholarships to 12 College Bound Students
The Jewish Guild for the Blind recently announced that scholarships of $10,000 will be awarded to 12 college-bound high school seniors who are legally blind....READ MORE
Columbia Alums Impart Wisdom During Careers in Education Panel
By Jennifer MacGregor
In a lecture at Columbia University, four experts in the field of education shared their expertise in roles outside of typical classroom experience....READ MORE
On being a Chef and Chocolatier
By Lisa K. Winkler
Chocolate pasta? Sounds like something out of Candyland or Willy Wonka’s world....READ MORE
Ray Fisher: Actor
By Lisa Winkler
Ray Fisher’s best friend bet him he’d get into acting school. The stakes?...READ MORE
Your Child’s Future: Now is the Time For Exploring
By Dr. Carole Hankin
Preparing children for success in the 21st century is a challenge, not only for educators, but for parents as well....READ MORE
Young Writers
The writings of students Drew Kushnir & Neil Ruthen.....READ MORE
Learning Through the Creation of Games
By Adam Sugerman
Last year, Florida third grader João struggled in math and, in turn, scored poorly on the math portion of the FCAT, the state’s standardized test....READ MORE
Movie Review
War Horse
By Jan Aaron
A simple boy-bonds-with-horse story, based on Michael Morpugo’s 1982 best seller, which is already a stage sensation, is now skillfully brought to the big screen by director Steven Spielberg....READ MORE
Museums: Our Fathers, Our Grandfathers, Our Heroes
The Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County proudly announces this amazing exhibit to be on view to the public from November 14, 2011 thru December 31, 2011....READ MORE
Bay Shore Middle School Student Recognized as Upstander of the Month
The Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County is pleased to announce George Rettaliata as the January “Upstander of the Month” for being an advocate for students with special needs, both within his own school and throughout his community....READ MORE
Confronting Cyber-Bullying
Reviewed by Merri Rosenberg
Bullying has been around as long as there have been children....READ REVIEW
Raising the Grade
Reviewed by Merri Rosenberg
Former West Virginia Governor Bob Wise, who now serves as president of the Alliance for Excellent Education, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit organization, takes on the challenge of how high schools need to change in order to prepare their students for the realities of the global economic workplace....READ REVIEW
Made In America: Immigrant Students In Our Public Schools
Reviewed By Merri Rosenberg
Few political issues are more compelling, or divisive, than that of America’s current policy on immigration....READ REVIEW
Walter Dean Myers Named New National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature
Walter Dean Myers, five-time winner of the Coretta Scott King Award and two Newbery Honors, was named National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature by Librarian of Congress James H. Billington....READ MORE
Rockefeller Center in NYC and the Famous Christmas Tree
By Dr. Pola Rosen
A photo journal of the 2011 Christmas Tree at Rockeffer Center....VIEW PHOTOS
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade - 2011
By Dr. Pola Rosen
A photo journal of the 2011 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade....VIEW PHOTOS
SJU Falls to Northeastern, 78-64
By Richard Kagan
On paper, this looked like a game St. John’s would win....READ MORE |