First City Special Education Conference
Citywide Special Education Conference Launched By Education Update & The
City College Of NY
By Emily Sherwood, Ph.D.
Stating that “one of the most unfailing tests of a civilization lies in how it
treats its special needs population,” Dr. Pola Rosen, founder and publisher of Education Update,
kicked off the first citywide Special Education Conference at CCNY’s School of
Education last month. MORE
Dr. Bonnie Brown Honored as Special Educator of the Year at First Citywide Special Education Conference
By Sybil Maimin
“Long before there was No Child Left Behind, we left no child behind,”
exclaimed Dr. Bonnie Brown as she received the Outstanding Special Educator of
the Year award at the first citywide Special Education Conference. MORE
Congratulations to June 2007 Graduates
Barnard College
Columbia School of Journalism
Cooper Union
Fordham University
John Jay College
of Criminal Justice
Community College
Lehman College
York University
Queens College
Teachers College
Guest Editorial:
Reflections on the Current State of
Education in America
By Chancellor Matthew
Goldstein, The City University of New York
When I reflect on the current state of education in our country today, I see a
very alarming trend: I see fewer students enrolling and succeeding in the
disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). MORE
Letters to the Editors - June 2007
Edith’s Place:
New Outfits for New Jobs for Students at CUNY
By Joy Resmovits
Since its inception in 1992 as a state
funded program, the College Opportunity to Prepare for Employment (COPE)
equipped CUNY degree students, receiving public assistance, for full-time employment—but until recently, it never dressed them. MORE
The Dean's Column
The Amazing Number 1089
By Dr. Alfred S. Posamentier
This is about a number that has some truly exceptional properties. MORE
One Size
Reading Instruction Does Not Fit All
By Peggy McNamara
Graduate School
Bank Street College of Education
“How can you say there isn’t ONE best way to teach reading?”
asked my interviewer. MORE
Corporate Contributions to Education
Richard Gilder & Lewis Lehrman Make History Come Alive
By Emily Sherwood, Ph.D.
When two passionate and multi-talented businessmen team up to improve the study
and teaching of American history, their results dramatically demonstrate that
one plus one equals three. MORE
Need to Reauthorize No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
By US Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings
Few education issues will have as great an impact on the civic and economic
future of our country as the reauthorization of NCLB. MORE
Seeking a Balance in
By Randi Weingarten
Lots of people have been asking why, if the schools were doing so well,
would the system need a third major reorganization in five years? MORE
Steve Mariotti Guides Inner
City Kids To Entrepreneurial Success
By Emily Sherwood, Ph.D.
Malik Armstead is no ordinary restaurateur.
While his thriving Bedford-Stuyvesant soul eatery, Five Spot, has become a
fixture for some of the biggest names in rap music, Armstead did not come by
his fame or fortune easily. MORE
Center Institute Gives Imagination Award to Satellite Academy
By Alberto Cepeda
When educators and leaders devote their teaching processes and techniques
towards educating the minds and souls of their students rather than teaching to
an exam, they should be rewarded. MORE
Fleet Week: Careers In The Navy
Interviews with Members of the USS
By Alberto Cepeda
The first things that people
link a career in the United States Military with are boot camp, weapons,
fighter jets, army tanks and combat especially with everything going on
recently in the Iraq War. MORE
Chuck Close Triumphs Over Learning Disabilities
By Emily Sherwood, Ph.D.
“I’ve found a way to turn lemons into lemonade,” said award-winning artist
Chuck Close from his motorized wheelchair during a recent NYU Child Study
Center-sponsored lecture at the Upper East Side Spence School. Dr. Harold
Koplewicz, M.D., Founder and Director, NYU Child Study Center and the Arnold and Debbie Simon Professor of
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, conducted an informal and informative
interview. MORE
Katz Lecture Series:
Dr. Frank Wood on Dyslexia Neurogenetics
By Liza Young
Dr. Frank Wood, Professor of Neurology and Neuropsychology at Wake Forest
University, and author of over 100 peer reviewed articles on learning
disabilities, recently spoke at NYU Medical Center as part of the NYU Child
Study Center’s Adam Katz Lecture series, discussing “Chromosome to Classroom:
Update on Dyslexia Neurogenetics.” MORE
From the NYU Child Study Center: Ask the Expert
Why are Girls with ADHD Overlooked, Underdiagnosed, and Underserved?
By Glenn S. Hirsch, M.D.
Boys with ADHD are usually easy to spot because of their behavior—they
are more likely than girls to have the combined type of ADHD: hyperactive,
impulsive, and inattentive behaviors. MORE
Amazing Grace of James Basker: Abolitionists and Anti-Slavery Writings
Reviewed By Merri Rosenberg
With the publication of these two extraordinary volumes of primary
documents and poetry concerning the initial anti-slavery movement in America
and Britain, social studies teachers and students of history will have a field
day. MORE
Beat the Heat This Summer
With A ‘Cool’ Selection Of Reading!
By Selene Vasquez
“Cuddle up upon my lap./ Close your eyes and take a nap.” MORE
Review of School Success For Kids With Asperger’s Syndrome
By Merri Rosenberg
While each special needs child has individual challenges and
issues that parents and teachers have to address, there are some commonalities
that can provide useful guideposts. MORE
Logos Bookstore’s Recommendations
From The Superintendent’s Seat
Making Lasting Memories on Vacation
By Dr. Carole G. Hankin with Randi T. Sachs
With summer upon us, many of you are
probably planning trips with your family. MORE
In Person with Longoni and
By Dorothy Davis
Mittorio Storaro, cinematographer, winner of 3 Academy Awards—for Apocalypse Now, Reds and The Last Emperor was thrilled when Director Longoni called him and
asked if he would be the cinematographer of Caravaggio. MORE
In Person with Longoni and
By Dr. Pola Rosen
The Italian movie Caravaggio had its world premiere as Education
Update went to press. MORE
And All That Jazz: Nobuko
“Cobi” Narita Devotes Her Life to Music
By Dr. Pola Rosen
Almost 40 years ago, when Cobi Narita
arrived in New York, she was attracted to the Jazz Ministry at St. Peter’s
Church and immediately became a loyal volunteer. MORE
Improvements In New York
City’s Public Schools
By Mayor Michael Bloomberg
I’ve always believed that a good public
education is one of our nation’s basic civil rights. MORE
Mythic Creatures At The AMNH
By Jan Aaron
When faced with phenomenon they could not explain, early human
imagination went into overdrive creating, misidentifying, and speculating to
create mythology. MORE
Hilliard Visits the Big Apple: Founder of Hilliard Museum in Lafayette, LA
By Dr. Pola Rosen
Robert Rauschenberg, renowned “pop” artist
and a local son, came to open the new Paul & Lulu Hilliard University Art
Museum in Lafayette, Louisiana and remained for a four-day fete southern style
replete with suckling pig and genuine zydeco music. Paul Hilliard met Dr.
Herman Rosen at the museum opening. MORE |