School for the Deaf Honors Ralph Lauren
students and board members of The Lexington School/Center for
the Deaf recently honored Ralph and Ricky Lauren at a gala event
celebrating the opening of the school’s new state-of-the-art Ralph
and Ricky Lauren Center for the Performing Arts. Comedian Robert
Klein emceed the event. The event acknowledged Mr. and Mrs. Lauren’s
$2 million dollar gift, which
converted the school’s auditorium into a performance center with
cutting edge technology. A special one time-time performance of
“Blue, White, and Red” hosted by Robert Klein featured the Lexington
Students. The Ralph and Ricky Lauren Center for the Performing
Arts is a unique 427-seat performing arts venue representing the
transformation of a 33-year-old school auditorium into a model
theatrical space for dramatic, dance, musical and multimedia productions.
Founded in 1865, The Lexington School and Center for the Deaf
provides exemplary education and service to deaf and hard-of-hearing
students, ages pre-kindergarten through age twenty-one.#

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