Joyce Coppin Honored
Alfred Posamentier, Ph.D.
a part of the celebration on April 3, 2002 in Vienna, Austria
to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the very fruitful cooperation
program between the Austrian school system, the New York City
Board of Education and the City University of New York, the Minister
of Education, Elisabeth Gehrer bestowed upon Dr. Joyce Coppin,
Supervising Superintendent, New York City Board of Education,
the Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art (first class).
This is one of the highest honors that the Austrian government
rewards those who have done extraordinary service to their country.
Dr. Coppin has not only been involved with this cooperation since
its inception, but has been one of the main promoters of the many
activities that have linked the educational systems in the two
countries. Thus the government (nominated by the ministry of Education,
approved by Parliament, and bestowed by the President) showed
its appreciation.
It is often asked how a small country, whose population is about
that of New York City, can related to just a city. The response
is that both locales have been havens for immigrants, both are
hosts to the United Nations, and both are respective cultural
centers. Some of the cooperative ventures are the New York City
Virtual Enterprises program, the visiting math and science teachers
program, lots of student, class, teacher, and administrator exchanges,
and a CCNY masters degree program for English teachers in three
cities in Austria.#
S. Posamentier is the Dean, School of Education, The City College
of New York, CUNY

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