Educators Honored at Columbia University’s Phi Delta Kappa
Pola Rosen, Ed.D.
House at Columbia University was the scene of a well-attended
event recognizing three outstanding educators for their many years
of service to New York City schools and children.
While the President of Yale University recently decried the policy
of early decision at colleges around the nation, Phi Delta Kappa
had no problem deciding early that Superintendent Carmen Farina,
District 15, Brooklyn, Superintendent Tony Sawyer, Manhattan High
Schools and Principal John Mancini, JHS 96 in Brooklyn deserved
the honors in 2001.

Carmen Farina garnered the award, “Educator of the Year.” She
has been a public school teacher for over 30 years, spending 20
years as a classroom teacher in a variety of grades. As a curriculum
coordinator she was the author of a multicultural/interdisciplinary
program called “Making Connections” that was replicated in every
district in New York City. This program focused on using social
studies as a vehicle for learning all curriculum areas and was
ultimately published and distributed by the NYC Board of Education
throughout the city. She was an Associate Professor at Bank Street
Principal’s Institute where she developed a policy and curriculum
course that focused on developing citywide leaders. She currently
serves as a member of Teachers College Reading and Writing Institute
Think Tank.

Superintendent Tony Sawyer received the award “Superintendent
of the Year.” He began in the NYC public school system teaching
math, social studies and English quickly rising to an assistant
principal at Park West High School in Manhattan and then Principal
of Tilden High School in Brooklyn in 1992. Today, as Superintendent
of Manhattan High Schools he supervises 38 high schools and 46,000
students. During his tenure, regents as well as attendance scores
have increased dramatically. He believes that technology and learning
are synonymous and ensures that all schools have state of the
art computers. He has instituted a software program to track information
on student progress and has paved the way for the IBM Learning
Village, which helps teachers prepare and share effective lessons.
Parents can check on their children’s progress through AwareParent.com.
Sawyer is currently working on his doctorate at Teachers College.
John Mancinci received the award “Principal of the Year.” His
work with parents, teachers and children is legendary. With numerous
awards under his belt, he has had illustrious politicians and
visitors to his school throughout the years.#

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