Aim for Homeschooling
This website offers
clear cut information to the public. It covers approaches to learning, a section
on how homeschooling works with the federal government and even includes a kid’s
corner and a recommended book list.
Home Education &
Family Services/Royal Academy has partnered with the National Foundation
for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) to provide online training for Homeschoolers
who would like to learn how to start and operate their own small business and
write a business plan. “BizTech” is an internet based curriculum designed to
teach simplified “MBA” concepts to middle school and high school age students.
High school credit can be earned from the Royal Academy and college credit from
the State University of New York is available to those who pass an online college
level exam at the completion of BizTech. Email to order
Home School Legal Defense Association
P.O. Box 3000 · Purcellville, VA 20134-9000
Phone: (540) 338-5600 · Fax: (540) 338-2733 ·
This website provides
tons of current information on all the legal aspects of home-schooling in all
fifty states.
Home School World
A website offering
a hodgepodge of information on home-schooling, including a calendar of events,
articles and organizations.
National Home Education Research Institute
A website of information
on home-schooling, but better yet one that has a lot of links to other home-schooling
sources on the web.
A website for all
those using an educational alternative, be it home-schooling, independent learning
or otherwise.
This is a website
targeting Homeschooling students rather than their parents. The website contains
submitted poetry, lists of favorite movies and books, as well as a chat and
message boards.
Home School
A collection of all
applicable information to homeschooling, including links for homeschooling for
children with special needs.
Education Exchange of the Southern Tier
An activity and support
group for homeschoolers and for those exploring educational alternatives.
This is a network
of parents home schooling, or thinking about home schooling, their handicapped
child. The parents of any child who would be labeled by the Committee on Special
Education of the public school system would be invited to join PICC. Members
have children with a wide range of handicapping conditions such as learning
disabilities, attention deficit, cerebral palsy, blindness, and Down Syndrome.
There is a PICC Directory and a bi-monthly newsletter. If a family joins PICC
($7.50 annual membership - check made out to PICC), they get a copy of the (completely
confidential) Directory. Then, when families need help or encouragement, they
can call someone with a similar circumstance for encouragement or information.
PICC also has a lending library containing a wide variety of books, audio tapes
and video tapes which can be borrowed for a small fee by its members. PICC is
a source of legal information and an advocate for these families. PICC makes
available information concerning current NYS regulations, curriculum, and resources
for special needs children in New York State. They have representatives on the
Home Instruction Advisory Group in Albany advising the State Education Department
about home schooling regulation and policy.
Student Travel Colorado Adventure
Travel and tour services
for homeschoolers all across the U.S. From preset tours and adventures to customized
A to Z Home’s Cool
A complete homeschooling
community and portal site: chat, boards, events, articles, kids’ sites, links
to learning materials, support groups and laws worldwide.
Locate other homeschoolers
in your area, find a tutor, a bookstore, conventions, an online school, or web
tutoring program. You can look for Cottage, Classical, Christian or private
schools as well.
This website provides
printable worksheets, lesson plans and other tools for teaching. The website
covers different subject areas from English to Art to Handwriting.#

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