Schooling in the United States: A Legal Analysis
Christopher J. Klieka, J.D.
York State
Compulsory Attendance Ages: “…a minor who becomes six years of
age on or before the first of December in any school year…until
the last day of session in the school year in which the minor
becomes 16 years of age” or completion of high school. (Cities
and school districts with a population over 4,5000 may require
unemployed 17-year-olds to attend school. New York Education Law
Days of Instruction: Substantial equivalent of 180 days. 900
hours per year for grades 1-6; 990 hours per year for grades 7-12.
Subjects: (grades K through 12): patriotism and citizenship,
about substance abuse, traffic safety, fire safety; (grades 1
through 6): arithmetic, reading, spelling, writing, English, geography,
United States history, science, health, music, visual arts, and
physical education; (grades 7 and 8): English, history and geography,
science, mathematics, physical education, health, art, music,
practical arts, and library skills; (at least once in first 8
grades): United States and New York history and constitutions;
(grades 9 through 12): English, social studies-including American
history, participation in government, and economics-math, science,
art or music, health, physical education and electives. N.Y. Educ.
Law §§ 801, 804, 806, 808, 3204.
Qualifications: Instruction need only be given by a competent
teachers. N.Y. Educ. Law § 3204 The parent does not need to be
certified. In re Franz, 55 A.D. 2d 424, 427, and 390 NYS 2d 940
(1977). A parent is deemed “competent” if the regulations above
are followed.
more information on joining the Home School Legal Defense Association
call (540) 338-5600. Fax (540) 338-2733. Visit www.HSLDA.org or
write to Home School Legal Defense Association, P.O. Box 3000
Purcellville, VA 20134.

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