New Student Message
By President Jennifer Raab, Hunter College
Make your education your top priority. This is a particularly important message to share at Hunter College, where we do not have a traditional residential campus....READ MORE
President Scott Evenbeck of the New CUNY Community College
The New Community College at CUNY is scheduled to open with its first class of 500 students in the summer of 2012 at 50 West 40th Street in midtown Manhattan, a wonderful location overlooking scenic Bryant Park....READ MORE
Letters to the Editor - Nov/Dec 2011
....Read Letters
WISE 2011 SUMMIT :: On Location from Doha, Qatar
 Dr. V. Darleen Opfer, Director of RAND Education
By Vicki Cobb
An interview with Dr. V. Darleen Opfer, Director of RAND Education and Distinguished Chair in Education Policy. Senior reporter Vicki Cobb interviews Dr. Opfer about merit pay and the state of education in the US from the 2011 WISE Summit, on location in Doha, Qatar.....WATCH VIDEO
The World Innovation Summit for Education: an Oxymoron?
By Vicki Cobb
As conferences go, the World Innovation Summit for Education, is small — only 1,200 attendees — but mighty. Powerful advocates for education from 120 countries met from Nov. 1-3 in the brand new conference center in Doha to discuss the theme: Changing Societies, Changing Education....READ MORE
Stacy Hoeflich: History Teacher of the Year 2011
By Elise Grace, Jennifer MacGregor and Marissa Schain
The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, the History Channel, and Preserve America sponsored the National History Teacher of the Year 2011 awards ceremony at the Frederick Douglass Academy in NYC....WATCH VIDEO & READ ARTICLE
Perspectives on the Eagle Academy for Young Men
By Dr. David Banks
In January 2010, Mayor Bloomberg asked me to help create a new citywide initiative that would focus on providing services to young black and Latino men....READ MORE
Reclaiming Learning in Education
By Dr. Peter Dillon
A friend and mentor once said to me, “You’re always a teacher, your class just keeps changing.”...READ MORE
MIT President Susan Hockfield Applauds 250 High School Women in Math
First Prize Of $25,000 Goes To 10Th Grader
By Lydia Liebman
MIT, Boston: The world of math and arithmetic is sometimes considered to be a male-dominated field....READ MORE
The Scoop on No Child Left Behind
By Dominique Carson
President Barack Obama recently announced that states would be able to apply for waivers from the Adequate Yearly Progress timelines of the No Child Left Behind Act, in the hopes that standards in schools will increase....READ MORE
Zambia: On Location with Teacher Charles Zulu
Interviewed by Jan Aaron
I am the head teacher of Chiwawatala Basic School, My deputy is Misozi Mwanza, and there are 12 other teachers....READ MORE
Meeting Mrs. Mwanza: Zambia Educator
By Jan Aaron
It’s a topsy-turvy world: Board a South African Airlines jet at JFK on a fine April day when New York kids are toting book-filled bags to school, and after a 17 hour flight to Johannesburg to change planes, I recall a kaleidoscope of overlapping images – tea plantations in Malawi, an old mission there; an overnight at elegant Mkulumadzi Lodge set in a virgin forest, then Zambia, and the news. “Schools are on holiday.”...READ MORE
Strong, Effective Leadership Key to The Bialik-Rogozin School
By Gillian Granoff
REPORTING FROM TEL AVIV -- When I sat down to talk to Karen Tal at the Bialik-Rogozin School in south Tel Aviv, I was eager to meet the woman whose inspiring transformation of a failing school became the topic of the academy award winning documentary “Strangers No More,” which was produced and directed by Karen Goodman and Kirk Simon....READ MORE
Instructional Coaching: A New Trend In Supporting Students and Teachers
By Rhonda Davis, M.A, CCC-SLP and Bill McCarthy, M.S. CCC-SLP
Two NYC speech-language pathologists travel to “America’s Heartland” to learn about instructional coaching and discuss how to effectively integrate this approach to support students with language learning weaknesses during classroom instruction....READ MORE
EPA Announces the 2011 Presidential Innovation Award Program for Environmental Educators
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency deputy administrator Bob Perciasepe announced the 2011 Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators program....READ MORE
Closing the Achievement Gap by Empowering Black and Latino Boys
By Giovanny Pinto
Teachers and administrators from the New York City Department of Education gathered at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture to sit back, listen, and learn from students, in particular Black and Latino male youth....READ MORE
The Young Women’s Leadership Schools: First Sugar-Free Public School In NYC
More than 1,500 students and teachers from the Young Women’s Leadership Schools took the Sugar-Free One Week challenge and pledged to give up sugar-sweetened beverages....READ MORE
Attention: Conference of Black Educators
The Association of Black Educators of New York will host their annual Education Conference on Saturday, November 12 8AM-2PM at Fredrick Douglass Academy, located at 149th Street and Adam Clayton Powell Boulevard....READ MORE
Does Increased Use of Technology Produce More Effective Instruction?
By Dean Alfred Posamentier
Given the current economic climate and the threat of a double-dip recession, funds for public education have been sharply reduced, resulting in staffing cutbacks and the gradual increase of class size....READ MORE
Teachers College Panel Discusses Closing the Achievement Gap for Students
By Jennifer MacGregor
A recent panel discussion at Teachers College outlined the evidence-based research on closing the achievement gap between the wealthiest and poorest students in the U.S., and what can be done to begin shrinking this gap.....READ MORE
Crimes Against Humanity: 65 Years After Nuremberg
Menachem Z. Rosensaft, born in the displaced persons camp of Bergen-Belsen, has been a leader in Holocaust remembrance activities....READ MORE
President Russell Hotzler of City Tech: An Outstanding Educator
Dr. Russell Hotzler, president of the New York City College of Technology (City Tech), earned B.S. and M.S. degrees in metallurgical engineering and a Ph.D. degree in physical metallurgy from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (today the Polytechnic Institute of NYU)....READ MORE
Assistive Technologies Don’t Just Bypass Learning, They Improve It
By Melissa Wetherby
Mainstream colleges and universities could benefit from increased use of assistive technologies for learning, but there are some educators who feel that allowing students to use assistive technology is like cheating....READ MORE
Touro College’s Lander Center For Educational Research Receives Nearly $1.9 Million
Touro College’s Lander Center for Educational Research, located at its Graduate School of Education, has been awarded a three-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education to operate one of 10 national Equity Assistance Centers (EAC) that provide assistance to states, school districts, and public schools on issues of race, gender and national origin....READ MORE
Teachers College President Susan Fuhrman Delivers 2011 State of the College Address, Earns Second Term as President
On the day that TC’s Board of Trustees announced that Susan Fuhrman has signed on for another stint as President, she devoted her annual State of the College address to reviewing the college’s key accomplishments during the past five years and to announcing its major goals for the next five....READ MORE
NY Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Speaks at Hunter College
The CUNY/New York Times in College Women’s Leadership Conference was held recently at Hunter College in Manhattan....READ MORE
Dr. Peter Eden Becomes the New President of Landmark College
Landmark College, a pre-eminent two-year college for students with learning disabilities and/or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder located in Putney, Vermont, recently inaugurated New Englander Peter A. Eden as its fourth president....READ MORE
STEM Jobs: Opportunities to Sprout a Brighter Future
Edited by Zara Jamshed
A recent study by the United States Department of Commerce on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) jobs underscored the benefits of having a STEM job or a STEM degree....READ MORE
An Immigrant’s Journey: From Belgrade to NYC and a College Degree
By Zoran Savic
After graduating high school in Belgrade, Serbia, in 1983, I enrolled in Belgrade University, majoring in mechanical engineering....READ MORE
Joyce Cowin, Teachers College Trustee Steps Down From Teachers College Advisory Council
By Dr. Pola Rosen
Joyce Cowin, is stepping down from the Teachers College Advisory Council after years of dedicated service, including the donation of the Cowin Conference Center....READ MORE
CSI Celestial Ball: Reaching for the Stars
The College of Staten Island will host the “CSI Celestial Ball: Reaching for the Stars,” its third annual scholarship gala, on Saturday, December 3, 2011 at the Richmond County Country Club....READ MORE
Harvard Prof. Dr. Howard Bleich Honored in Newton, Mass.
Dr. Howard Bleich, professor of medicine at Harvard, was honored by The Adams Street Shul in Newton, Mass....READ MORE
Dr. Harold Koplewicz and The Child Mind Institute Host Symposium on Psychology Research
By Sybil Maimin
More than 15 million children and teens in this country have diagnosable psychiatric disorders....READ MORE
Students Create Wonders
By Jennifer MacGregor
In a small gallery space in midtown Manhattan, visitors scrambled to get red stickers up on the wall next to their chosen piece of artwork — pieces were selling fast....READ MORE
Assistive Technologies Don’t Just Bypass Learning, They Improve It
By Melissa Wetherby
Mainstream colleges and universities could benefit from increased use of assistive technologies for learning, but there are some educators who feel that allowing students to use assistive technology is like cheating....READ MORE
Education Update has launched a new section called Careers to provide insight and guidance to recent college graduates. Several graduates share their responses to the questions below.
• Chelsea Severson, Attorney By Lydia Liebman
• Rob Luchow, Television Development Executive By Lydia Liebman
When A Parent Needs Medical Tests, Should Children Be Told?
By Dr. CarolE Hankin
If you find that you require medical tests or learn that you have a health condition that may keep you from your regular activities for a while, what do you tell your children?...READ MORE
Young Writers
Book Review
WRITER Jamie Kushnir, Grade 5, Sargent School, North Andover, Mass.
Recently, I started Rules, a story written by Cynthia Lord....READ MORE
The Gattegno Effect:
100 Voices on One of History’s Greatest Educators
Reviewed by Jennifer MacGregor
Dr. Gattegno would have turned 100 years old this year. This tome features the submissions of 100 leading educators worldwide recounting their experiences of knowing and working with Dr. Gattegno....READ MORE
Gold Medal Winner: Best Illustrated Children’s Book of 2011
Just in time for Halloween, the Society of Illustrators has awarded this year’s gold medal for best illustrated book of the year to author and illustrator Rosalyn Schanzer for her striking black-and-white-and-red scratchboard illustrations of witches, demons, and the devil himself....READ MORE
Best Children’s Books Chosen at Bank Street College of Education
Writers, educators and other lovers of children’s literature eagerly attended this year’s Irma Black Picture Book Award in the Bank Street Auditorium....READ MORE
Dickens – His Christmas Carol And More
By Jan Aaron
Tiny Tim, Bob Crachit, Ebenezer Scrooge. Dickens devotees welcome these fictional creations as old friends year-after-year....READ MORE
Beacon Blue Demons Ready for Repeat in Boys Soccer
By Richard Kagan
The Beacon School boys soccer team certainly have the winning spirit....READ MORE
How Camps Help Children Care for the Earth
Whether a child makes his home in the heart of the city or the fields of the heartland, daily life can make getting “back to nature” hard for any family....READ MORE
Dr. Charlotte Frank Inducted into Educational Publishing Hall of Fame
On December 1, 2011, the Association of Educational Publishers (AEP) will induct Charlotte Frank, Ph.D., McGraw-Hill Education; Don Johnston, Don Johnston, Inc.; and Paul McFall, Pearson into the Educational Publishing Hall of Fame....READ MORE
Professor Joachim Pissarro’s Art
By Dr. Pola Rosen
Professor Pissarro is a distinctive authority of art at Hunter College....READ MORE
Artist Wendi Mahoney Follows Her Passion in Nashville
By Joan Baum, Ph.D.
Although the expression is “follow your dream,” for Wendi Strauch Mahoney, a representational oil painter, the operative noun would more likely be “passion."...READ MORE
The Art World Today:
Digital Art Makes Inroads
By Sybil Maimin
Just prop your iPad up on an easel or sit in front of your Mac and you can become an artist....READ MORE
Health Care on Wheels
By Judith Haber, PhD, APRN, BC, FAAN
The NYU College of Nursing mobile health van project, “Feeling Good in Your neighborhood,” fills a critical gap by bringing school-based primary care to Brooklyn adolescents, many of whom are recent immigrants who have unmet health-care needs....READ MORE
Food Perspectives from Harvard School of Public Health
By Crista Martin
Harvard University Hospitality & Dining Services (HUHDS) — which operates 13 residential dining halls, 14 campus retail cafes, a kosher kitchen, a campus debit card program, and a complete catering service on Harvard’s campus — is a roughly 500-person-strong team of culinarians, operators, and foodservice professionals who work together to create creative menus that meet a broad array of tastes, preferences and needs....READ MORE
Medicare Rights Center Awards
The Medicare Rights Center is a national, nonprofit consumer service organization that works to ensure access to affordable health care for older adults and people with disabilities through counseling and advocacy, educational programs and public policy initiatives....READ MORE |