Young Writers
Book Review
WRITER Jamie Kushnir, Grade 5, Sargent School, North Andover, Mass.
Recently, I started Rules, a story written by Cynthia Lord. Since the I bought book, I couldn’t put it down. Rules is about a twelve-year-old girl who just wants to have a normal life. Unfortunately, she knows that can’t happen because her younger brother has autism and the rest of her family revolves too much around it. The girl tries to help her brother by making social rules for him. Along the way, she meets Kristi, a new girl next door, and Jason another surprising sort of friend.
Rules is easy to read, but still you should at least be a third grader to understand the plot. I read it in fifth grade and I don’t think it would be good for younger children. The book was great and even if you don’t like reading, you should give it a try. Rules is not a waste of money parents!#