Outstanding Educators
of the
Twenty-First Century
Education Update Honors CUNY Chancellor Matthew Goldstein As Distinguished Leader in Education
By Joan Baum, Ph.D.
It’s six years now since Education Update has been sponsoring the annual Outstanding Educators of the Year Breakfast Awards at The Harvard Club, but for sure, as Senior Vice Chancellor for University Relations and Secretary of the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York Jay Hershenson remarked, 2008 was a special year because of the “just unbeatable,” exemplary achievements of CUNY as a public urban university serving to help educate future public school teachers for the city of New York, and as an institution that has come back from difficult times barely a decade ago to become, arguably, the leading public urban university in the country, with a total enrollment of 232,000 and an influx of private funding: “we’re soaring but we’re still a work in progress.”...READ MORE
The True Meaning of Rewarding Excellence in Education
By Alfred S. Posamentier, Ph.D.
Reward is often an excellent motivator....READ MORE
Letters to the Editor - JULY 2008
The Dean's Column
Stanley H. Kaplan Supports Middle School Math Instruction at CCNY
By Alfred Posamentier, Ph.D.
Several years ago, the math-teacher shortage in New York City secondary schools reached near-crisis level....READ MORE
Cahn Fellows Program Helps Principals Find Innovative Solutions in Education
By Judith Aquino
So much is required for making a school great: excellent teachers, motivated students, challenging classes and strong extracurricular programs....READ MORE
Everett Children’s Adventure Garden Celebrates 10 Years of Providing Plant Science Education
By Debra Epstein
In May 1998, the Everett Children’s Adventure Garden at The New York Botanical Garden opened its doors and became the first outdoor/indoor museum of plant science for children in the United States....READ MORE
Education Central to “Museum of Plants”
By Jeff Downing
The New York Botanical Garden is often described as a “museum of plants.”...READ MORE
Education Update’s Advisory Council
Summer Reading List
Marymount Conference Attracts The Write Stuff
By Dr. Pola Rosen
What do Stuart Woods, Jamie Malanowski, Tama Janowitz, Carol Higgins Clark, Meg Wolitzer, Bruce Jay Friedman, Sir Harold Evans, Lawrence Block, Patty Marx, Richard Peck and Carol Gilligan all have in common?...READ MORE
Grace Outreach Brings Hope to its Graduates
By Judith Aquino
As the 80 graduates of Grace Outreach, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping women earn their General Equivalency Diploma (GED) and prepare for college, professional training, or new employment, entered the auditorium, the room erupted into cheers....READ MORE
A Cultural Exchange Program That Leads to Peace, through the AIFL
By Richard Kagan
Sometimes change happens through clash and clamor....READ MORE
Hunter College
Law Firm Partners With Hunter In Diversity Initiative
Hunter College has partnered with the law firm Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP to form the Fried Frank Pre-Law Scholars Program....READ MORE
College of Staten Island
CSI Showcases Photographers
As the official photographer of the Unterberg Poetry Center at the 92nd Street Y, Nancy Crampton is known for the hundreds of photographs she has taken of authors, many of which have been used on book jackets and in newspapers, magazines, and literary reference works....READ MORE
Education at The Animal Medical Center
By Dr. Ann Hohenhaus
As part of The Animal Medical Center’s outreach and education programs, I recently visited a preschool in New York City to talk to children about safety around dogs during National Dog Bite Prevention Week....READ MORE
Dogs That Help the Blind See
By Reni Shulman
Owning a dog can be recreational like any sport or hobby....READ MORE
Choosing a Pet
By Naima Karp
Choosing a pet is a difficult and often time-consuming ordeal, but there are certain guidelines you can use to figure out what animal is right for you as a family member or a lifelong companion....READ MORE
Humane Society & ASPCA Programs Teach Children
By Chloe Texier-Rose
Is it true that if a young boy abuses his dog, he will ultimately be violent towards his peers later on in life?...READ MORE
Collegiate Ballroom Dancers Redefine the Meaning of Summer Vacations
By Judith Aquino
It’s 9 a.m. on a Saturday morning that promises to be a gorgeous summer day....READ MORE
Your Table Will Be Ready In 20 Minutes
By Dr. Carole G. Hankin with Stacy L. Sokol
Remember the last time you went out for dinner and had to wait to be seated?...READ MORE
Following Traumatic Brain Injury, Balanced Nutrition Saves Lives
Clinician-scientists from NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center are suggesting an immediate and important change to guidelines used in the care of patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI)....READ MORE
Gender Differences And Heart Disease
Women may respond less favorably than men to cardiovascular disease (CV) drug-treatments for enlarged heart, according to NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center physician-scientists....READ MORE
Karen B. Winnick: Author & Humanitarian
Karen Winnick, noted author and illustrator of children’s books such as Mr. Lincoln’s Whiskers (a sweet anecdote on how President Lincoln came to grow his beard) and Sybil’s Night Ride (a historical story, focusing on Sybil Ludington, the heroine who informed the patriots of the arrival of the British), has been interested in story writing from her time as a young child....READ MORE
Review of Lucy’s Cave: A Story of Vicksburg, 1863
Reviewed By Merri Rosenberg
There are plenty of Civil War stories, but I imagine that few children are aware of the Union Army’s siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi in 1863....READ MORE
Review of Mr. Lincoln’s Whiskers
Reviewed By Merri Rosenberg
Karen Winnick’s affinity for the smaller moments of history—exactly those that are likely to intrigue and charm children—finds imaginative expression in “Mr. Lincoln’s Whiskers.”...READ MORE
Review of Sybil’s Night Ride
Reviewed By Merri Rosenberg
While most schoolchildren are familiar with the celebrated “midnight ride of Paul Revere,” I suspect that even in our post-feminist age far fewer would be familiar with the efforts of Sybil Ludington....READ MORE
What’s Worth Fighting For in the Principalship
Reviewed By Merri Rosenberg
No one ever said being a school principal was an easy job....READ MORE
Keeping New York City Moving Forward
By Mayor Michael Bloomberg
The start of summer always brings a flurry of activity as we close out the school year, finalize the City’s budget, and wrap up the legislative session in Albany....READ MORE
Collegiate Ballroom Dancers Redefine the Meaning of Summer Vacations
By Judith Aquino
It’s 9 a.m. on a Saturday morning that promises to be a gorgeous summer day....READ MORE
Phi Delta Kappa, Columbia U Awards to
Dr. Bonnie Brown, Dr. Carole Hankin,
Frank Nappi Jr. & Judith S. Tarlo