Letter to America’s Educators: 50th Anniversary of Veterans
by Rod Paige
On November
11, 2003, we as a nation give thanks and pay tribute
to our 25 million living veterans—men and women who have
risked their lives, including many who are doing so right
now, to protect our free way of life and to extend freedom
to others.
take the opportunity on this 50th anniversary of the Veterans
Day celebration to help students understand and appreciate
the significance of this day for all of us.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and other federal agencies
have provided resources to help. They include: Patriotic Fact
Sheet: Information about America’s most beloved national customs,
plus a list of possible school activities for Veterans Day.
Guide—Honoring All Who Served: The guide includes a history
of Veterans Day, suggested Veterans Day programs, information
on how to fly the flag properly, statistics on America’s wars
and a message from President Bush.
History Project information: This project is collecting oral
histories, letters, diaries and photos of America’s war veterans
and those who supported them.
citizens and organizations are invited to contribute using
the project kit, which provides all information and forms needed
to interview a veteran. These and other resources are posted
on the Department of Veterans Affairs Web site at www.va.gov/vetsday.
Also, the Department of Veterans Affairs has mailed to every
school principal a video featuring actress and entertainer
Jennifer Love Hewitt. The video provides information about
opportunities for students to get involved with veterans in
your community.
of World War I, World War II, the Korea and Vietnam conflicts,
the Gulf War and Operation Iraqi Freedom contributed to the
majesty of this country. I hope you will use these resources
beyond this special day to honor our veterans and to help students
learn about the sacrifices so many men and women have made
in order for us to remain a free, self-governing people. To
our veterans I extend a heartfelt thank you for your service
to our country.#
Paige is the U.S. Secretary of Education, Washington D.C..

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