Life’s Patricia McNeilly Helps Girls Entrepreneurship Conference
by Pola Rosen,
a recent meeting of 25 women business executives and college
leaders from Montclair State University, preparations were
made for the first Teen Entrepreneurship Conference called Girls
Going Places. The conference, a first for Montclair State
U. and New Jersey, attempted to provide mentoring, knowledge
and advice to high school girls who are considering careers
as entrepreneurs.
women advisors represented a range of ages, careers and ethnic
backgrounds providing a wonderful resource for the teens. Esmilda
Abreu, the Director of the Women’s Center at Montclair State
University, holds an MA from Teachers College and plans events
for undergraduates as well as the community at large. Born
in the Dominican Republic, Abreu has a keen awareness of the
needs of girls as well as minority students.
McNeilly, who brought this program to New Jersey, also arranged
for the Guardian Life Insurance Company to fund $30,000 in
scholarship monies for the girls. The other corporate partner
is Independent Means, a company based in Santa Barbara, California.
are about 50 participating high schools in New Jersey with
about 100 attendees, who interviewed women in business, developed
a “product in a box,” an exercise in which girls built a product
line and decided to whom they would sell it and at what price.#
us at pmmcneil@planningalliance.com or
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