Garden School—Empowering the Family for Children’s Education
by Mitchell
Schools is an online private school offering a complete curriculum
for Second Grade through Tenth Grade.
high tech school offers a Christian education with a new, innovative
philosophy of learning. Destiny Based Education is the brainchild
of the founders of Garden Schools. This new philosophy is based
on the precept that every child is destined for greatness,
and with flexible lesson plans and teachers, each child can
learn from a meaningful perspective. The curriculum is exclusive
to Garden Schools, and is designed to be molded around each
students gifts and abilities. This is personalized education
with a Christian perspective. Your son or daughter can attend
classes from the comfort and safety of home in an asynchronous
learning environment. You decide the time frames for your child
to attend. The teachers are hand selected from across the world
and offer the best, most comprehensive curriculum available.
For example, a Russian Lecturer teaches Science and Russian.
In addition to the best educators, your child will receive
a broad scope and perspective as he/she attends classes with
students from all over the United States and other countries
as well.
future of Garden Schools is bright. With a plan for summer
camps, and a residential living facility for students this
school is on track to be the cutting edge educational facility
of the future. The web-site offers student centered Magazines
as well as Parent publications to help foster a healthy learning
environment. Within the next two years, Garden Schools is planning
to offer an International Baccalaureate. The hopes and goals
of this school are to prepare your child for a dynamic future
in which obstacles are overcome and opportunities will abound
both domestically and internationally. With a flexible payment
plan and open enrollment, Garden Schools is designed to meet
the demands of dynamic families. They understand that you need
the flexibility to make personal decisions regarding your child
without the hassle of contracts and deadlines. Their philosophy:
You are not the teacher, but you call the shots! For more information,
contact the school at 417/683-2111, or log on to their site

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