Appeal for The Children of PS 169 In Manhattan
S. 169, The Robert F. Kennedy School, is a special education middle
school located on 88th Street between Park and Lexington
Avenues. The students who attend the school are learning disabled
and emotionally disturbed. Some of them are autistic. Most are
economically disadvantaged.
The Friends of P. S 169 is a neighborhood organization started
about 45 years ago. We enrich the lives of the children by tutoring
them in reading and math and by supporting other literacy and
educational programs. One of their major goals is to send as many
children as possible to summer camp. This is the reason we write
to you each year.
If we can pay for a reading teacher so that a little boy learns
to read, his life will be better. If we can send a child to camp
for a few weeks to enjoy the outdoors and perhaps learn to swim…we
have given a lifetime of memories.
Last year, with your help, we sent 27 children to Camp Ramapo
in Rheinbeck, New York. We hope to be able to send 30 or more
children to camp this summer. It costs $1,750 to send one child
to camp for three weeks. We cannot achieve our goal without you.
Please help us again by making a generous tax-deductible contribution,
This year has been hard on most folks. We cannot imagine how difficult
it must be for the parents of their children at P. S. 169, that
is, for those children who have parents. Many are foster children
and quite a few are homeless children…but all of them are our
children. Please give so that we can build memories. Help us make
the lives of those children who are less fortunate a little brighter.
If you wish further information, contract Janet Rotner, President,
Telephone: (212) 517-3719; Dee Frye, Tutor Co-Chair (212) 570-9793;
Janet Kramer, Tutor Co-Chair (212) 876-5566.#

Update, Inc., P.O. Box 20005, New York, NY 10001.
Tel: (212) 481-5519. Fax: (212) 481-3919.Email:
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consent of the publisher. © 2003.