Bookstore’s Recommendations
Harris Healy, III, President, Logos Bookstore
Logos Bookstore
1575 York Avenue (Between 83rd And 84th Sts.)
New York, New York 10028
(212) 517-7292, Fax (212) 517-7197
can slowly drain the life force from your body over time. It can
kill swiftly without warning. Yet you’ll never see it on a medical
chart or find it listed on a death certificate. It’s called stress.”
So begins the advertising copy on the back of the book, Stress
by Herman Todorov, Robert Nadler and I.N. Todorov. The Todorovs
are a father and son science team. I.N, Todorov did much of the
initial exploration of growth hormone as an anti aging factor
in the 1950’s. Nadler, the non-scientist in the group, has a major
advertising background including Cleo awards and has managed to
craft together a readable primer on the scientific processes stress
causes to the body, the scientific processes of aging and life
extension, the various hormones and agents, their uses, their
strengths and their liabilities from the work of his scientist
is well-worth reading for its miniature science course on the
above-mentioned topics as well as other health and dietary issues
brought up in the book. Currently this book is available only
through Logos Bookstore in the New York City marketplace. To reserve
a copy just call Logos.
Children’s story hour, Mondays at 3:30 P.M. continues through
June. Kill Your TV Reading Group will discuss Daniel Deronda
by George Eliot on Wednesday, June 4, 2003 at 7 P.M. and will
discuss An Instance of the Fingerpost by Iain Pears on
Wednesday, July 2, 2003 at 7 P.M. The Augustine City Of God
discussion group continues on Wednesday, June 11, Wednesday, June
18 and Wednesday, June 25, 2003 at 7 PM.
Logos’ 50% off sale continues in special sales sections. Regular
books are 10% off. There are many books, cards, gift items and
music for Dads, Grads and Weddings. Come in and shop.
Transit: #4, #5, #6 Lexington Avenue Subway to 86th St. M15 Bus
(First and Second Aves.), M86 Bus (86th St.), M79 Bus (79th
St.), M31 Bus (York Ave.)
Events At Logos:
Wednesday June 4, 2003 at 7 P.M.
KYTV Reading Group will discuss Daniel Deronda by George
Wednesdays, June 11, 18 & 25,
2003, Augustine City Of God discussion group meets at 7
Wednesday, July 2, 2003 at 7 P.M.
KYTV Reading Group will discuss An Instance of the Fingerpost
by Iain Pears, Stress by Herman Todorov, Ph.D., Robert
Nadler and I.N. Todorov, Ph.D.#
Harris Healy, III, President, Logos Bookstore

Update, Inc., P.O. Box 20005, New York, NY 10001.
Tel: (212) 481-5519. Fax: (212) 481-3919.Email: ednews1@aol.com.
All material is copyrighted and may not be printed without express
consent of the publisher. © 2003.