Dr. Rosen
A new column answering parents’, educators’ and students’ questions
about special education, in response to the flood of letters and
e-mails we have been receiving at Education Update.
Dr. Rosen:
We are in the process of trying to get our 10 year-old son included
in regular education. The special ed. classes have not helped
him to read or write and he is just beginning to talk. We have
been fighting for Assistive Technology for years. It looks as
if this year he’ll be given such a device.
understands everything that is said to him; however, he has Down’s
Syndrome, so that comes with a big stigma attached–labels!
A proud Dad of five special children, looking for any sign of
hope there is out there.
-Sky Anderson
Your son is fortunate to have you as an advocate. You have the
right, under federal laws, to have your son attend classes in
the least restrictive environment. You are also entitled to due
process if the appropriate classes are not provided. I suggest
that you first work through the school’s Special Ed. Committee
and principal to achieve your goal before seeking a legal remedy.
-Dr. Pola Rosen, Ed.D.

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