VisAble Video Telescope
Andrew Schiff
the last decade educators have paid great attention to students
with disabilities, particularly those with learning disabilities
like dyslexia and attention deficit disorder. Less attention,
however, has been spent on students with severe visual disabilities.
For those who are visually handicapped, Betacom, a Canadian company
based in Ontario, has developed the right elixir.
The VisAble Video Telescope is a slickly designed hand-held visual
aid which can easily be mistaken for a camcorder. Its resemblance
to the camcorder and its ergonomic design is one of its great
advantages, simply because it contrasts so strongly with modern
day, but akward looking, visual aids. Its blue shell and colorful
buttons that control the inner mechanisms of the device make it
highly user-friendly. Another strength is its small size (small
enough to fit into the palm of one’s hand) and light weight. Simply
lifting a product alone can be an obstacle to better vision, but
because of the VisAble Video Telescope’s lightness, students will
find it easy to lift and put down.
Of course, the main benefit of the Betacom product is its ability
to aid sight. The VisAble Video Telescope allows for minification
and magnification for near, mid and long-range tasks, image capture
for detailed inspection, and natural rate auto-focus. Another
important feature is that it can also brighten the object in focus:
if the classroom is dark, a student with the VisAble Video Telescope
simply has to press the yellow button located on the top of the
product to brighten the subject in focus. All these points allow
students who can’t see the blackboard to see and work with great
effectiveness in the classroom
The practicality of the VisAble Video Telescope also enables an
individual to apply the product to a wide variety of uses, not
all educational. For instance, the VisAble Video Telescope, in
cases of near range tasks, can be used like a magnifier for reading
drug labels, store receipts or even restaurant menus. For mid
range tasks it can be used to identify faces across the room;
to find products in a grocery store aisle; or to read signs at
the theater or stadium. For long range tasks, it can be used to
independently navigate unfamiliar environments; to survey your
surroundings; see and read street signs, and/or to watch sporting
events. Other features include polarity reversal and contrast
The VisAble Video Telescope runs on a lithium-ion 7.2 volt rechargable
battery (the same one also used for Hitachi camcorders) which
slides into the bottom of the hand-held unit.
All in all, with its ergonomic design and ease of use and, more
importantly, features which aid the severely visually impaired,
the VisAble Video Telescope makes a wonderfully effective product
and a great boon for learning.#
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