Bookstore’s Recommendations
H. Harris Healy, III, President, Logos Bookstore,
1575 York Avenue (Between 83rd And 84th Sts.), New York, New York
(212) 517-7292, Fax (212) 517-7197; WWW.NYCLOGOS.CITYSEARCH.COM
holidays are here! Children wait with excitement for their holiday
Some great presents for children are Soundprints Smithsonian Institution’s
‘Let’s Go to the Zoo’ board book and stuffed toy series for children,
18 months to 3 year olds, including the titles Panda’s Busy
Day, Rhinoceros’ Bath time, and Flamingo Grows Up
all at $9.95 each, board books only for $5.95 each; and the
Smithsonian Wildlife story and stuffed toy series for older children
that includes: Armadillo at Riverside Road, Bullfrog
at Magnolia Circle, Bumblebee at Apple Tree Lane, Coral
Reef Hideaway, Dolphin’s First Day, Lobster’s Secret,
Mallard Duck at Meadowview Pond, Box Turtle at Silver
Pond Lane, and Sea Turtle Journey at $9.95 each, small
hardcover books only, at $4.95 each. In a larger format are Along
the Luangwa and Mountain Mists, featuring a crocodile
and a gorilla, at $16.95 each, large paperbacks only, at $5.95
All these books are well illustrated in color with informative
texts and the plush toys are quite realistic. The ‘Let’s Go to
the Zoo’ board books contain photographs with simple text. Each
smaller Wildlife story and stuffed toy book presents a day in
the life of the animal and gives a small dictionary-like entry
about the animal in the back of the book accompanied by full page
color illustrations. The larger paperback books have larger full-page
color illustrations with text in the middle, and picture and text
glossaries in the back as well as dictionary-like entries for
regions and animals discussed.
Besides these wonderful gifts there are holiday greeting cards,
music and other gift items available for purchase at Logos. In
addition there are some book groups that meet at Logos. Starting
on Wednesday, November 27 from 7 to 8:30 P.M., continuing on Wednesday,
December 11, 2002 and restarting in 2003 on Wednesday, January
15 at the same time, Logos Bookstore will be hosting a study and
discussion of Augustine’s City Of God. On Wednesday, December
4, 2002, Kill Your TV Reading Group (KYTV) will discuss Last
Of The Wine by Mary Renault, and on Wednesday, January 8,
2003, KYTV will discuss Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire
by J.K. Rowling. Both meetings will be at 7 P.M. The Children’s
Story Hour continues on Mondays at 3:30 P.M. Come visit us these
Transit: #4,#5,#6 Lexington Avenue Subway to 86th Street, M15
Bus (First & Second Aves.), M86 Bus (86th St.), M79 Bus (79th
St.), M31 Bus (York Ave.)
Events At Logos
Wednesday, November 27, December 4, 2002, Wednesday, January 15,
2003, 7 to 8:30 P.M., Augustine’s City Of God study and
discussion group.
Wednesday, December 4th, 2002 at 7 P.M. KYTV will discuss Last
Of The Wine by Mary Renault. Wednesday January 15, 2003, at
7 P.M. KYTV will discuss Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire
by J.K. Rowling.

Update, Inc., P.O. Box 20005, New York, NY 10001.
Tel: (212) 481-5519. Fax: (212) 481-3919.Email: ednews1@aol.com.
All material is copyrighted and may not be printed without express
consent of the publisher. © 2002.