Web-based High School Regents Review Product
administrators, curriculum directors, technology coordinators
and teachers are now closer to a solution to curriculum/classroom
demands by the state. If your high school is looking to meet AIS
(Academic Intervention Services) needs or Improve Regents performance
in the face of tougher SED standards for graduation, then you
should take a look at a new web-based high school review product
called iSchoolZone.
ISchoolZone lets students create multiple-choice review sessions
in more than a dozen Regents and non-Regents high school courses
covering Math, Science, and Social Studies. Each question contains
well-written hints, reasons for the correct answer, and related
vocabulary terms with full definitions. Progress reports break
down student performance by unit, theme, difficulty level, and
even special “attributes” such as graphs or cartoons. Students
can then tailor subsequent review sessions to concentrate on the
types of questions that give them the most trouble.
In addition, teachers can monitor student activity, assess problem
areas, and even assign sessions designed for specific student
needs. Individual student and full class cumulative reports help
teachers target their lesson plans and assignments to the strengths
and weaknesses of each of their classes.
Technology directors will be pleased to learn that, as a web-based
product, iSchoolZone requires no installation, maintenance, or
network administration. Flexible management tools are available
to make it easy for the tech director to manage accounts and monitor
And, best of all, students can use iSchoolZone from any web-connected
computer – from home, school, or library – at any time of the
day or night, even on weekends!
For a sneak preview, go to and
sign in as “GUEST” (no password). If you like what you see, then
contact CASTLE Software at 1-800-345-7606 to ask for a free trial
for the whole school.
Education Update, Inc., P.O. Box 20005, New York, NY 10001. Tel:
(212) 481-5519. Fax: (212) 481-3919. Email:
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the publisher. © 2001.