Bookstore’s Recommendations
this time of year with the holidays upon us, come make Logos your
holiday center. We have all kinds of books dealing with such subjects
as biographies, mysteries, cooking, gardening, pets, science and
nature, self-help, spirituality, philosophy, poetry, children’s
books, parenting, health, art, fiction, history, biblical
judaica and world religions. We also have business and travel
books as well as bibles. You can buy your Harry Potter, Curious
George, Dr, Seuss, Tolkien (The Hobbit, Lord Of The Rings.),
Time Warp Trio books and Narnia Chronicles at Logos, which also
carries books of the Christian tradition from Pat Robertson to
Eastern Orthodoxy, including modern liberal theologians such as
Paul Tillich and evangelical Anglicans like John Stott and James
Packer as well as Catholic writers and books on the saints.
In addition, we have holiday music CDs and tapes, as well as the
Ken Burns Jazz series, the National Geographic world music series,
Putomayo world music series, Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong and
Billie Holiday as well as spiritual choral works and classical
music of Bach, Copland and others. Other gift items include 2002
calendars, unusual T-shirts, gift bags, gift wrap, nativity scenes,
ornaments, Christmas Crackers, puzzles, games and greeting cards
for all occasions.
Our story hour for children is every Monday at 3:30 P.M. Come
join the fun at Logos and shop. Our store hours are Monday-Friday
10 A.M. to 9 P.M., Saturday 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. and Sunday 10 A.M.
to 7 P.M. We accept MasterCard, Visa and American Express. We
special order and we mail out. Gift-wrapping is available.
Transit To Logos: 4,5,or 6 subways to 86th St., M15
Bus (1st & 2nd Aves.), M86 Bus (86th
St.), M79 Bus (79th St.), M31 Bus (York Ave,)
Events At Logos:
Wednesday, December 5, 2001, 7 P.M. KYTV Reading Group
will discuss Let Us Now Praise Famous Men by James Agee
and Walker Evans
January 2, 2002, 7 P.M. PKYTV Reading Group will discuss Harry
Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling.#
Education Update, Inc., P.O. Box 20005, New York, NY 10001. Tel:
(212) 481-5519. Fax: (212) 481-3919. Email: ednews1@aol.com.
All material is copyrighted and may not be printed without express consent of
the publisher. © 2001.