Literature & Books
First Lady Laura Bush and Jenna Bush
Read All About It!
By Judith Aquino
Recently, the First Lady and her daughter, Jenna Bush, made an appearance at the 92nd Street Y to promote their book, Read All About It!, a picture book for children published by HarperCollins...READ MORE
The Christopher Awards for Best Children’s Books
The 59th annual Christopher Awards recognize films, broadcast TV and cable programs and books for both young people and adults that represent the power to make a positive influence on our world...READ MORE
Alice Belgray, Chair, Bank Street
Book Committee Gives Annual Awards
The Children’s Book Committee at Bank Street College of Education recently honored these five books and authors...READ MORE
Photography & The Arts in Education
International Center Of Photography Dazzles Manhattan
By Emily Sherwood, Ph.D.
For those few skeptics who still question whether photography is an art form, one does not need to travel any further than Manhattan’s International Center of Photography (ICP), a thriving museum, school and research center on the intersection of 43rd and Sixth Avenue, to answer a definitive “yes”...READ MORE
The Power of Educating Women
and Girls Across the Globe
By Ruth Messinger
I recently visited a refugee camp in Chad, now home to tens of thousands of displaced Darfuris seeking sanctuary from the violence in their own country...READ MORE
Letters to the Editor - May 2008
Violence in the World:
School Days Filled With Violence
By Dr. Pola Rosen
School is difficult enough with academic and social challenges...READ MORE
The Value of Quality Professional Development
By Ernest Logan
All good leaders know there are many factors that aid in their success...READ MORE
The Dean's Column
The Fabulous Fibonacci Numbers
By AlFred S. Posamentier, Ph.D.
There aren’t many themes in mathematics that permeate more branches of mathematics than the Fibonacci numbers...READ MORE
Dean Mary Brabeck Presents
Award to Frank McCourt at NYU
McCourt Advises Teachers: Be Passionate!
By Lisa K. Winkler
Frank McCourt’s advice for teachers is simple: “Find what you love and do it. If kids see your passion, they’ll be with you.”..READ MORE
Dean Mary Brabeck Presents Award to Frank McCourt at NYU
NYU Steinhardt School & APT Forge Partnership
Frank McCourt received the American Place Theatre’s (APT) Literature to Life Award April 29 at a benefit for the theatre. McCourt’s Teacher Man, (Scribner, 2005) was selected by APT for its latest adaptation into a dramatic presentation...READ MORE
Gail Noppe-Brandon:
The Art & Power of Successful Student Communication
By Marisa Suescun
There are moments in Listening With Their Eyes—a documentary about 11 teenagers who participate in a 10-week communication workshop with educator Gail Noppe-Brandon—that quietly break your heart, revealing a potential in young people both enormous and untapped...READ MORE
The Arts: A Vital Part of Educating the Whole Child
By Richard Kessler
New York City is the cultural capital of the world and as such, the arts play a critical role in how we define ourselves as a city and as a people...READ MORE
City Council Education Chair Jackson Critiques Current System
By Sybil Maimin
Robert Jackson, New York City Council member since 2001 and chair of its Committee on Education, is not happy with the current education picture in New York City...READ MORE
Who Are Our City Council Members & What Do They Do? Part III
City Council Member Helen Diane Foster is the younger of two daughters born to the former Council Member Rev. Wendell Foster and Mrs. Helen Foster...READ MORE
UNA-USA Helps Today’s Student Become Tomorrow’s Global Citizen
By Judith Aquino
On a recent Saturday morning, over 1,000 students gave up their regular weekend activities to emulate United Nations delegates...READ MORE
Russia’s New President, Dr. Dmitry Medvedev Speaks at Moscow State University
By Dorothy Davis
Some predictions are easy...READ MORE
New Curriculum Turns Middle Schoolers into Ethnobotany “FBI” Agents
By Christina Colón, Ph.D.
The New York Botanical Garden has published an innovative new ethnobotany curriculum that enables students in grades six through nine to delve into the relationships of plants and people...READ MORE
Memorial Sloan-Kettering’s Department of Radiology Celebrates 5th Annual Radiology High School Program
By Alberto Cepeda
The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center’s Department of Radiology hosted the fifth annual “Radiology: Giving Back to New York”, high school program...READ MORE
St. Francis College President & 1960 Alum Frank J. Macchiarola Going Strong
By Joan Baum, Ph.D.
It’s the day before the St. Francis College Birthday Party for Frank J. Macchiarola, the man who has been at the helm of St. Francis College for the last twelve years, and when he is told that it is also the birthday of William Wordsworth, he shoots back without missing a beat that it’s also the day when OTB was introduced in New York...READ MORE
Great Principals Make a Difference at Teachers College
By Sybil Maimin
They are the crème de la crème—24 principals of public schools in New York City who have been chosen for the prestigious Cahn Fellows Program because of outstanding job performances...READ MORE
City College Awards Honorary Doctorate to Elie Wiesel
By Sybil Maimin
“We must fight hatred or it wins,” warned Elie Wiesel, the conscience of the Holocaust, after being awarded the honorary degree Doctor of Letters in the magnificent Great Hall at City College...READ MORE
First Muslim Woman To Win Nobel Peace Prize Speaks at Barnard College
By Joy Resmovits
Barnard College President Judith Shapiro found occasion to speak Farsi on Tuesday night, at an event she later said—in English—that upheld “the utmost importance, given the times, to future female leaders.”..READ MORE
Columbia Law School Seeks Solutions to Violence on Campus
In an effort to further the dialogue on a topic that has been sweeping across school campuses, the Program in Health, Law, and Society of Columbia Law School recently hosted an interdisciplinary conference, “Violence on Campus: Prediction, Prevention, and Response”...READ MORE
Landmark College Grads Share Success Stories
I attended the University of North Carolina at Greensboro before attending Landmark College...READ MORE
Hunter College Offers Free Summer Program for 7th – 12th Graders to Learn Chinese Language & Culture
Highlights of the program include: An initial three-week conversation camp, where students will learn how to conduct simple interviews in Chinese on topics such as sports, shopping, family, how to give directions and introduce oneself...READ MORE
CSI Researcher Receives $179K Grant from U.S. National Academies
Shuiqin Zhou, Professor of Chemistry at the College of Staten Island, has received a three-year grant from the U.S. National Academies, which comprise the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council...READ MORE
Sarah Lawrence Center for Continuing Education May Open House
The Sarah Lawrence College Center for Continuing Education will hold an open house and information session about its program for adults seeking a B.A. or post-B.A. education...READ MORE
Gail Noppe-Brandon:
The Art & Power of Successful Student Communication
By Marisa Suescun
There are moments in Listening With Their Eyes—a documentary about 11 teenagers who participate in a 10-week communication workshop with educator Gail Noppe-Brandon—that quietly break your heart, revealing a potential in young people both enormous and untapped...READ MORE
The Arts: A Vital Part of Educating the Whole Child
By Richard Kessler
New York City is the cultural capital of the world and as such, the arts play a critical role in how we define ourselves as a city and as a people...READ MORE
Teaching Children with Special Needs
By Dr. Carole G. Hankin
All children deserve the opportunity to excel to their fullest potential...READ MORE
The Ennis William Cosby Foundation Provides
New Beginnings for Students
By Joan Baum, Ph.D.
“Passionate” is more than a word to Carolyn Olivier, who runs the 11-year- old Cosby Foundation, a teacher training program for student scholars committed to carrying on the work of Ennis Cosby, the son of Bill and Camille Cosby, who was tragically killed in an accident in California over a decade ago, but who had been himself a child with learning difficulties who became an ardent, “passionate” teacher of children with LD (Learning Differences)...READ MORE
Teaching from the Heart
By Ennis William Cosby
What got me involved in the educational field was my experience student teaching for a year at Dean Rusk Elementary School...READ MORE
It’s the End of the School Year. But, Watch Out for Kids Gone Wild!
By Glenn S. Hirsch, M.D.
For most teenagers, the end of the school year is approaching...READ MORE
Mind and Body in Autism Sheds Light on Spectrum Disorders at Teachers College
By Judith Aquino
After spending years feeling that something was “off”, Karl Wittig was almost relieved when he was diagnosed with a mild case of Asperger’s syndrome at age 44...READ MORE
U.S. Surgeon General’s Perspectives
Childhood Overweight And Obesity Prevention
By RADM Steven K. Galson, MD, MPH
Our children are our future; let’s help make their future healthy through efforts to prevent overweight and obesity...READ MORE
Sandip Kapur Appointed Chief of Transplant Surgery at New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell
A leading pioneer of advanced techniques in transplantation surgery, Dr. Sandip Kapur has been appointed chief of the Division of Transplantation Surgery at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center...READ MORE
Violence in the World:
Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition: Working Together to Make Our Country Safer
By Mayor Michael Bloomberg
April 16 marked the one-year anniversary of the Virginia Tech shootings, the terrible day when one student killed 32 people and then himself...READ MORE
Tales of Hoffmann at the Vienna State Opera
American bass Samuel Ramey and Australian Tenor Julian Gavin steal the show
By Irving Spitz
The innovative staging of Andrei Serban’s 15 year-old production of Offenbach’s Tales of Hoffmann is seen through a receding cube box....READ MORE |