Dallas Morning News reported recently that Tamra Orr’s After
Homeschool is one of the bestselling nonfiction paperbacks
in the region. “It’s not often that a homeschooling title gets
this kind of reception,” said Edwin Steussy, publisher of Parent’s
Guide Press.
Homeschool features in-depth interviews with fifteen
homeschooling graduates, asking about their experiences and
investigating how much success and happiness they have achieved
since entering the real world on their own. Graduates include
students from many different homeschooling philosophies,
religious (or non-religious) backgrounds and ethnic heritages.
of us who got interested in homeschooling fifteen or more years
ago weren’t lucky enough to have books like this one,” said
Grace Llewellyn, author of The Teenage Liberation Handbook,
in the Foreword.#
Homeschool is distributed by Independent Publisher’s Group
and is $14.95.

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