Bookstore’s Recommendations
by H.
Harris Healy, III, President, Logos Bookstore
Logos Bookstore
1575 York Avenue (Between 83rd And 84th Sts.)
New York, New York 10028
(212) 517-7292, Fax (212) 517-7197
the summer ends and fall begins in late September there will
be an exciting conference taking place at St. George’s Church
on Stuyvesant Square (209 East 16th Street.) from 10
A.M. to 4 P.M. on Saturday, September
27, 2003.
is the Annual EFAC New York Conference. EFAC New York is the
New York Chapter of the Evangelical Fellowship Anglican Communion
USA, which in turn is part of the Evangelical Fellowship Anglican
Communion Worldwide. EFAC-USA was actually founded in 1961
by this year’s guest speaker the Reverend Peter C. Moore who
also was the founder and first director of FOCUS (Fellowship
Of Christians in Universities and Schools), an organization
focused on presenting the Gospel and Christianity to teenagers
and college students. Currently, Peter Moore is the Dean and
President of Trinity Episcopal School For Ministry located
in Ambridge, Pennsylvania near Pittsburgh.
Church To Believe In
by Peter C. Moore (Latimer Press, 2nd edition, $16.95)
has also written a book, A Church To Believe In (Latimer
Press, 2nd Edition), which is a positive account
of why to be an Anglican. Moore presents six characteristics
of Anglicanism: Evangelical in experience, Catholic in spirit,
reformed in doctrine, Charismatic in ministry, Liberal in ethos
and Global in scope. As Moore discusses these concepts, he
introduces the reader to exemplary Anglicans such as Charles
Simeon, Richard Hooker, Hugh Latimer, who is the namesake of
the press and whose picture is on the book cover, David Watson,
Philip Brooks, Cyril Okoroacha, and Hannah More with a short
introduction at the beginning of each chapter, usually accompanied
by a black and white print portrait of the individual.
author’s participation in the Lambeth conference of 1998 as
well as his visits to Africa demonstrated to him that the worldwide
Anglican Communion is vibrant and ever growing, individual
countries have more Anglicans than all of Great Britain, Canada,
the U.S.A. and Western Europe. A Church To Believe In is
well-worth reading for what I have mentioned and for much more.
more information about the conference call the bookstore and
ask for Harris. Logos Bookstore will provide the book tables
for this conference. Meanwhile Logos continues to offer discounts
on all its books, and does sell interesting and varied music,
and attractive greeting cards, as well as other gift items.
So come on up and shop!
Events At Logos:
September 3, 2003 at 7 P.M. KYTV Reading Group
will discuss The Amazing Adventures Of Kavalier and
Clay by Michael Chabon.
September 27, 2003 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. at St.
George’s Church at Stuyvesant Square (209 East 16th Street)
EFAC New York will have its annual conference with guest
speaker, the Reverend Peter C, Moore, Dean and President
of Trinity Episcopal School For Ministry.
October 1, 2003 at 7 P.M. KYTV Reading Group
will discuss Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys.#
Bookstore is located at 1575 York Avenue (Between 83rd & 84th)
Transit: #4, #5, #6 Lexington Avenue Subway to 86th St. M86
Bus (86th St.), M79 Bus (79th St.), M31 Bus (York Ave.),
M15 Bus (First & Second Aves.) For more information call
(212) 517-7292 or go to www.nyclogos.citysearch.com.

Update, Inc., P.O. Box 1588, New York, NY 10159.
Tel: (212) 477-5600. Fax: (212) 477-5893. Email: ednews1@aol.com.
All material is copyrighted and may not be printed without express consent of
the publisher. © 2003.