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By Jamie Landis

In Los Angeles, Tom Fisher was getting ready to attend his new school called Burbank High School, on the planet Galactic. Tom had been in trouble in many of the schools in Los Angeles. His dad suggested Burbank because it is great for kids who needed more help learning.

Galactic is located between the Earth’s moon and Saturn and is famous for all its celebrities. Tom was excited in so many ways, but most importantly, for a chance to see Galactic in person!

Tom met a few kids who were also heading to Burbank High in Tom’s class. Isaac Anderson, Hope Quincy, Zadak Moby, Ron Tweesley, and Johnny DeMaggio boarded the rocket ship. The trip was exactly one minute long! The kids blinked, and when they opened their eyes, they saw the planet of Galactic. They then boarded a Cadillac Escalade to Burbank High School. Behind the wheel of the car was Jay Leno.

The car suddenly ran out of gas! Tom was bummed that he was missing the first few minutes of school, but also secretly excited at the same time. All of the kids shouted, “Come on, Leno!” Jay sped into the nearest 7eleven to fill up the tank. They finally arrived, and the kids went to the auditorium to watch the presentation. Standing on the stage was principal, Sir Richard Branson. Tom was shocked to see such a famous guy.

When Principal Branson was finished, he sent the 11th graders to their homerooms. Zadak, Hope, Isaac, Johnny and Tom all went to room 137 where they met their teacher, Tim from BrainPop. The kids were pretty excited to have such a well-known guy as their teacher. Hiding in the corner was his assistant, Moby. Tim and Moby handed the kids their class schedules. Tom noticed that physics was next. His teacher was Albert Einstein! Tom knew that this was going to be a great school. “DROID,” the loudspeaker said. “Time for next period,” Tim said.

Tom headed to physics, where he was greeted by Mr. Einstein. Everyone in the room was wearing an Einstein wig. Tom passed on the offer, as he knew his mom would not want lice coming home! As he looked around the classroom, he saw Einstein quotes all over the walls. His favorite quote stuck out to him: Imagination involves everyone. Within the thirty-minute period, Tom learned so much about physics. He couldn’t believe how much he learned in just one day! This sure beats being home-schooled, which he used to do.

The next period was study hall. Dr. Seuss was his study hall teacher! In order to get into the classroom, Tom had to say, “A person is a person no matter how small!” In study hall Tom met Annie from BrainPop! Then Tom heard, “DROID!” and he was off to his next class, gym.

Tom took a ferris wheel up to the top floor to get to the gym. The gym looked like the Dubai tower! He was greeted by his gym teacher, The Fox Football robot. They played football combination and capture the flag! Tom was starting to get used to his new school and schedule. As soon as the clock hit 11:30, Tom was off to music.

His music teacher was Bob Marley. He immediately heard, “I shot the sherifffff...” He knew he was going to like this class! Bob taught everyone all about reggae, and his Jamaican culture. Tom thought this was so cool because he loved Bob Marley. When the bell said, “DROID!” it was time for lunch!

Tom was starving, and was excited to get something to eat. He walked into the cafeteria and at his seat was a chef from Lamar. Tom was so thrilled. He had some Peruvian food and his stomach was full!

“DROID!” the bell rang again. This time, it was the worst subject of all: Book Club. He was reading The Help. Tom would rather read The Little Engine That Could, but he knew his teacher would not let him! The teacher was Stephanie Meyer. She suggested Tom read New Moon, but he decided it was too long for one period. Tom was curious why he was in this class because he was the only boy in the room! After hearing all of the gossip, Tom looked at the clock and saw it was time for the next period!

As Tom was walking down the stairs to his homeroom, he tripped and fell! The concrete stairs were not nice to his legs and he felt so much pain. Tom immediately headed towards the nurse’s office to get a bandage. He was surprised to see Nurse Jackie. She helped Tom with his leg, and sent him off.

When Tom arrived in his homeroom it was dismissal time! He met his friends in the hallway so that they could travel back to Los Angeles. Jay Leno was waiting for them in the Escalade (with a full tank of gas this time). Jay drove the kids to the airport to take their rocket ship home.

The trip home was a success! Tom’s parents were waiting at LAX airport. When they asked how his first day at Burbank High School was, Tom replied, “It was average.” Although Tom’s first day was not as he expected, he learned to enjoy his new school. He knew he would not want to get kicked out of this school! #

Jamie Landis is a fourth grade student at Churchill School in NYC.



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