Letters to the Editor - March/April 2012

New York
The Road to Schools Renaissance
To the Editor:
Thanks for sharing such an inspiring story. Eager children are a joy to teach, especially for volunteer teachers. It was encouraging to hear that the government is putting such effort into education.
New York City, New York
Closing the Achievement Gap by Empowering Black and Latino Boys
To the Editor:
I love your story on calling for smart phones to be used for learning. I too teach in low SES and Latino majority school and we only have one computer lab (40 computers) for the entire 1,200 plus students to share. I would love to introduce more mobile or smart phone lessons with my class. The challenge is only half of my students own a smart phone. Perhaps, someone knows of applications or exercises in which pairs of students share a phone.
Joe Tedesco
Aventura, Florida
Why Don’t Schools Improve?
To the Editor:
Prof. S. Grant: Your note is useful. I decided to do my share in education and help implement the few changes needed, while monitoring the whole system. I am finishing the integrated platform for education/research/development/service that could be a basis. I can’t endure to see that 636 classrooms full of students drop out of high school every week! And do nothing.
Adolfo T. Jurado, Ph.D.
Put-in-Bay, Ohio
Kurt Landgraf, ETS Pres. & CEO Refocuses Premier Testing Organization
To the Editor:
I was shocked when watching Sixty Minutes New Year’s Day concerning SAT cheating. I can’t believe that the other parties, the students who benefited were not affected. Informing the schools that students cheated on applications to get in should be of importance to everyone, and they should have to repay any grant money they received. This would also go a long way to deterring future cheating. Shame on ETS and any school that turns a blind eye to this misrepresentation. We owe it to the honest majority of students.
Kelly Mohn
Brooklyn, New York
Learning Through the Creation of Games
To the Editor:
Wow, so inspired to read this, Adam. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences!
Mount Vernon, New York
The Bard College Prison Initiative
To the Editor:
Dear Mr. Kenner: I’m a corrections officer in Westchester County, and I’m very interested in starting a college program at our facility. It is my passion to see inmates given a chance to re-enter the community as positive and successful individuals. Please help me get started down the right roads to start this program.
S. Moore
Walnut Creek, California
Mary Lu Christie: Journey to Afghanistan
To the Editor:
I worked with Mary Lu at a small labor law firm in California. She’s dynamite! So happy to read she is turning her considerable talents to help educate girls and women in Afghanistan.
Melanie Hopkins
Granville, New York
A Glimpse into the Imprisonment of Jean Harris
To the Editor:
This woman is a positive influence in our lives.
Lois Anne Jasek