Carole Berotte Joseph:
President, Bronx Comm. College
What inspired you to pursue your current career?
My father who was a teacher, principal and entrepreneur inspired me to become an educator and take leadership positions. Since childhood, I knew that I wanted to be a teacher. Today, as I lead, I teach.
What are some of the challenges you have faced and how did you resolve them?
I have faced many challenges during my career and the way that I resolve them is to question and reflect upon the directions that I have taken to make sure that I am making good and objective decisions that are in the best interests of the majority. As an educator, my guide has always been what is best for the student and so that is my compass. I try to resolve specific challenges through honest conversation and dialogue, then by documenting the processes of a particular discussion and making sure that the message is clearly communicated via my allies.
What are some of the accomplishments you’re proudest of?
I am most proud of the following accomplishments: the turnaround that occurred at my previous institution. We methodically worked on reorganizing the academic departments, hiring stellar faculty, developing and recompensing staff who were hard workers and who were committed to the philosophy of “students first” and hiring new academic deans w/ teaching experience thus ensuring the credibility and authenticity of academic leadership at every level in the organization.
Who have been the most influential mentors in your life?
The most influential mentors in my life have been my maternal grandmother and grandfather, my parents and powerful women in all walks of life.
What would you describe as a turning point in your life?
A turning point in my life was when I along with my board and my staff were able to celebrate getting a very positive accreditation review at one college I worked at after having had many challenges from a group of uncooperative faculty and staff. That reinforced the fact that in order to make lasting change, leaders must stay “laser-focused” on the ultimate goal if real change is to occur.
What are your future goals?
My future goals include motivating my current campus to aspire to “new beginnings” which would help us to make lasting changes as well as providing technical assistance to the Ministry of Education in Haiti so that they can make the necessary changes in the educational system of that country, the country of my birth. #