Letters to the Editor - May/June 2011
Learning By Hand: A Case for Handwriting Enhancing Reading
To the Editor:
I am a Reading and Writing Specialist and noticed that my non-readers are also my writers who cannot form letters. As I am in the process of collecting data and information on this topic as I commence my dissertation, I would be most grateful if Dr. Jay Russell could send me more research on this matter,
Glenda M. Greaves, M. Ed.
Brooklyn, New York
Assistant Principals: Crisis Management to Instructional Expertise
To the Editor:
The fact that this article was written in 2005 already says a lot. Today the role of the AP has evolved into little more than an additional person for discipline. Case in point, in NYC all constituent groups, including students and paraprofessionals were offered surveys except assistant principals.
Woodmere, New York
Dr. Randi Herman, First Vice President, Council of School Supervisors & Administrators
To the Editor:
I have worked closely with Ms. Herman over a period of several years. She is the model of administrative professionalism, as well as a master teacher. I learned so much from her. Randi is the BEST!
Ruth Wenig
Prison College Programs Unlock the Keys to Human Potential
To the Editor:
Iowa has no such program to help or further educate our prisoners. I agree they need further education for release. I would like to start such a program in Iowa, thank you for a positive article. Everyone deserves an education or at least access to one.
Tina Russomano
Dr. Rebecca H. Cort, Deputy Com., NYS VESID
To the Editor:
This is an excellent article, from one who is both knowledgeable in the field and sensitive to the population she is referring to.
Kay Greenspon