Logos Bookstore’s Recommendations
By H. Harris Healy, III, President, Logos Bookstore
1575 York Avenue (Between 83rd and 84th Sts.)
NY, NY 10028
(212) 517-7292
Fax (212) 517-7197
For a month in the doldrums of winter, February has much going on in its short span: Ground Hog Day, Valentine’s Day, African American History Month and Presidents Day, a day to honor all Presidents of the United States. Ideals Publications has two books that address interesting topics related to President’s Day: First Ladies Of The White House by Nancy J. Skarmeas and The Ideals Guide To Presidential Homes And Libraries by Peggy Schaefer.
First Ladies Of The White House
by Nancy J. Skarmeas
(Ideals Publications, $9.95)
First Ladies Of The White House has biographical sketches and pictures of all the First Ladies right up to Laura Bush. Women who acted as official hostesses for the Presidents are also mentioned as James Buchanan was a bachelor and the wives of Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren and Chester B. Arthur died before their husbands became President. The biographical sketches of the First Ladies give a good insight into their personalities. Long before Bill and Hillary Clinton, James Polk and his wife, Sarah were a team in government. The two youngest First Ladies, Julia Gardiner Tyler and Frances Folsom Cleveland come across as sophisticated live wires.
The Ideals Guide To Presidential Homes And Libraries
(Ideals Publications, $25)
The Ideals Guide To Presidential Homes And Libraries contains concise, thorough biographical sketches as well as excerpts from speeches of all the Presidents as well as articles and pictures of their various homes and libraries with critical visitor information such as telephone number, address, website and days of operation. In the back of the book are maps of the different states and Washington D.C. where the homes and libraries are located as well as related sites. Following those pages is a list of Presidents, Vice Presidents and First Ladies followed by site and geographical indexes.
This book is a good way for people to learn about the Presidents other than the famous ones and where to go to learn more about a particular President.
Aside from these books, there are many other books about Presidents at Logos Bookstore as well as many books about prominent African Americans, distinctive Valentine’s Day Cards and much more for gifts, books, greeting cards and music. So come on in.
Upcoming Events At Logos
Wednesday, February 7, 2007 at 7 P.M., KYTV Reading Group will discuss The Shadow Of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.
Monday, February 26, 2007 at 7 P.M., The Sacred Texts Group led by Richard Curtis, literary agent, will discuss Jesus and The Sermon On The Mount.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007 at 7 P.M., KYTV Reading Group will discuss Walden by Henry David Thoreau.
A Knitting Circle at Logos is scheduled to begin in early February (For more information call Lori at (212) 517-7292)
Children’s Story Time every Monday at 3 P.M. with Dvorah
Transit: 4,5,6 Subways to Lexington Avenue and 86th St., M86 Bus (86th St.), M79 Bus (79th St.), M31 Bus (York Ave.), M15 Bus (1st and 2nd Aves.)