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Administrators of the Year 2006
John Quattrocchi, Principal (Maureen D’onofrio, Superintendent) PS/MS 43Q
Pauline Smith-Gayle, Principal (Lybi Gittens, Local Instructional Superintendent), P.S. 202
Alan D. Cohen, Principal (Althea Serrant, Local Instructional Superintendent), PS 9
Mauro Bressi, Assistant Principal (Robert Finley, Principal, Brooklyn HS of the Arts) 345
Phyllis Leinwand, Principal (Dr. Kathleen Lavin, Superintendent) PS 66 Queens/Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis School
Carmen Iris Rivera, Principal, Academy for New Americans, IS 235Q
Robin Sundick, Principal, PS 84. Special thanks to Jill Levy, President of the Council of School Supervisors & Administrators.
Teachers of the Year 2006
Eyal Wallenberg (Elana Karopkin, Principal) Urban Assembly School for Law and Justice – who also won the Jet Blue raffle
Andrew Higginbotham (Kathleen Ponze, Principal) The Yong Women’s Leadership School of East Harlem
Maria Fisher (Nicholas Mazzarella, Principal) Brooklyn College Academy
Thomas Walsh (Dr. Nancy Brogan, Principal), IS 62
Jay Lyons (David Getz, Principal), East Side Middle School)
Otensia Dallas-Smith (Yvette Beasley, Principal), IS 129
Gerda Radske (Kenneth A. Lombardi, Principal), PS 91Q
Nichole Culella (John Angelet, Principal), Bayard Rustin Educational Complex
Marianthe Serelis (Nicholas Politis, Principal), HS for Law and Public Service
Allison Demas (David Weiner, Princi;al), PS 314
Erica Eichenstein (Sana Nasser, Principal), Harry S. Truman HS
Terry Yank (Joan M. Indart, Principal), Career Education Center
Lyman Casey (Dr. Peter Dillon, Principal), The Heritage School
Sherlyne Gilles (Margie Baker, Principal), Ebbets Field Middle School 352.