A Celebration of Father’s
Education Update’s Staff Shares Insights
By Liza Young
With Selfless devotion
There at my side
Tending to a wound
Or celebrating my accomplishments with pride
Instilling a thirst for books and art
Surrounding us with Van Gogh, O’ Henry, Mozart
The work you do for others so inspiring
I look up to you, admiring
Of your knowledge and brilliance,
Of your morality, kindness and resilience
My Father
By Nazneen Malik
I have always admired my father for his stubborn self-confidence and courage.
To travel across distant oceans and adopt a foreign land, alone and without
much money, is no small undertaking.
He is a confidant of sorts, a persistent reminder that to achieve one only
has to believe in the possibility; the hero of my childhood memories, bearing
gifts of books and chocolate, and the conqueror of midnight monsters and unwanted
bugs. He is the storyteller who awakened my imagination and encouraged me to
create my own fiction. And although there are many things about my father that
remain elusive to me, hidden in conversations we are yet to have, as I grow
older, I no longer regard him as simply a parental figure but as a friend.
Happy Father’s Day!
A Bicycle Ride
By Gillian Granoff
To my father, my teacher my coach and my friend
My hands clench the handlebars, flushed red in anticipation
With you behind me, I pedal faster
your gait quickened to match my pace
just a few steps behind me you hold tightly to the fender.
I sail smoothly on solid ground,
Exhilarated by my independence, I pedal faster
I steal away from you: my caretaker, my hero,
In my newfound freedom, I forget you.
Then I remember you;
In a hesitant moment I turn, fall and cling to the pavement
I search for safety and find it in the pools of your eyes
I wrap myself safely in their embrace.