Daytime English Classes Offered at Lenox Hill Neighborhood House
Hill Neighborhood House (331 East 70th Street) announces openings
in its English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program.
Interested students must schedule an appointment for a 10-minute
assessment test prior to registration. Classes are free but there
is a $35 registration fee. Childcare is provided during class
for $15 for the entire session. “These free ESOL classes emphasize
civics and daily conversation. We want to help empower parents
to speak with their child’s educators and help acculturate new-comers
to life in the US,” said Marlene Wechsler, Community Education
Director at Lenox Hill Neighborhood House. Added Wechsler, “We
have classes for beginners and intermediate-level students.”
Every year, over 200 adults from around the world improve their
English language skills in classes at the Neighborhood House.
Using a variety of activities, exercises and assignments, speakers
of other languages become more comfortable and competent English
speakers. Classes are open to all New Yorkers but priority is
given to people who live, work or go to school on the East Side
of Manhattan.#
more information about English for Speakers of Other Languages
classes, call (212) 744-5022 ext. 1267.

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